Scientific Meeting: The National Network for Food Sovereignity will present its founding declaration under the support of the political foundation “Leaders of the Centre”.
The main aim of the Network is the maximization of the Greek agricultural production; the support of the Greek farmers, and especially of the farmers in mountainous and island regions; and the creation of specific farming geographical zones free of pesticides and of other hazardous active substances. Furthermore, the Network aims at the application of the precautionary principle for the protection of public health, and for the effective reduction of the substantial burden on hospital budget produced by irrational and uncontrolled use of pesticides that is a hidden cost related to health. The importance of the dissemination and of the organization of pressure groups for the adaptation of the Greek legislation to the main guiding principles of United Nations and of other international health organizations is being acknowledged.
International organizations such as PAN (www.pan-europe.info/), ENSSER (www.ensser.org/), and HCWH-Europe (https://noharm-europe.org/) support, and participate in the Network, which is also being supported by other personalities from Greece and abroad.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00 Hotel Titania, Athens, Greece
The main principles of the Network are presented by:
• Polyxeni Nicolopoulou Stamati, Professor at the Medical School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Scientific Director of the MSc “Environment and Health. Capacity Building for Decision Making”
• Dr. Angeliki Lyssimachou, Toxicologist, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe
• Argyris Petropoulos, Lawyer
• Stavros Karvounis, Lawyer and Economist